Generator Fuel: Which One Is Right for Your Needs?

Owning a generator is now the norm. Since the East Coast has been experiencing power outages more frequently, having one for your property has become more of a necessity than an option. 

However, buying any generator doesn’t guarantee your home will power up properly when the power is out. To pick the right unit, you need to think about the fuel. With so many choices to consider, Bailey & Shipp Electric talks about your best options:

Natural Gas

For average homes, any high-quality electrician would recommend natural gas to keep normal-sized generators running until the power returns. Most areas in the country have an underground natural gas line, making this type of fuel readily available and abundant.

With natural gas, storing or adding fuel to the generator itself won’t be necessary. Although you will have to be heavily reliant on a third party supplier, gas outages rarely occur.


Propane can be stored and has a long shelf life. You can stockpile your own supply almost indefinitely to generate electricity during unannounced or intermittent power outages. Experienced electrical contractors will attest that generators that run on propane operate quietly too, like natural gas generators.

Considering that you may keep large quantities of propane yourself, your comfort doesn’t completely depend on a utility company. Plus, most propane generators are also compatible with at least one other fuel type, giving you more flexibility in case you run out of supply.


Most commercial electrical contractors would recommend diesel to power huge generators used in commercial buildings. Deemed as the least flammable fuel on the market, it’s easily obtainable during disasters because of its value in military and farming operations.

Turn to Bailey & Shipp Electric when you want to invest in the right type of generator for your home or business. Call us at (410) 457-3507 today to discuss your needs. We serve property owners in Washington, DC, as well as Northern Virginia and neighboring VA areas.

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